Alternative pellets (agropellets)

Heating by alternative pellets (agropellets)

Regarding alternative pellets (today also called agropellets), against wood pellets, we recommend upper limit of output approx. 300 kW. The operation is cheaper in comparison with wood pellets, but here is a little lower comfort of operation and higher ash content. The advantage of alternative pellets is fact, that the raw material for their production has no other use. Alternative pellets have a big future and also they are the only fuel, which supplies will be connected in the future with providing of additional services, that customers requires. A local fuel supplier (farmer) can take care about fuel supplies and heating of his customers, but also about lawns adjustment, cutting trees, minor repairs of the house, guarding the house at the time of vacation etc.

Pellets of rape                                                                                      

Pelety z řepky

Pellets of sorrel

Pelety ze šťovíku