How to properly choose the interior boiler or fireplace stove with exchanger?
Are you thinking about buying of above standard fireplace stove with exchanger and don´t you know what to do? Then here we have some basic information, which can help you with this choice.
Are you looking for the right boiler for lump wood?
One of the most important factor at choosing of the boiler for lump wood is the optimum choice of the heat output. The heat output of the boiler should correspond with the heat loss of the building. This heat loss should be calculated by some heating designer. Here is applied an unambiguous principle. Buy a boiler which will heat most of the heating season at the the rated output. Good gasification boiler can heat the house in the transition period even at smaller output. The excess output of the boiler can be accumulated into the storage tank.
How to choose high quality automatic boiler with comfortable operation and low operating costs?
Rising prices for energies as natural gas and electricity in recent years forced us to think about the change of heating. The most frequent request is to keep the high comfort with significant lowering of heating costs per season. From this perspective, the most useful are automatic boilers for pellets, agropellets, coal and other presently more common and cheaper fuels.
VERNER SK company introduces brand new conception of heating of rooms. The advantage of this system is many variants of esthetical view, significant limitation of dust circulation and many possibilities, how to place and install these systems instead of classical radiators.
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