Rising prices for energies as natural gas and electricity in recent years forced us to think about the change of heating. The most frequent request is to keep the high comfort with significant lowering of heating costs per season. From this perspective, the most useful are automatic boilers for pellets, agropellets, coal and other presently more common and cheaper fuels.
However the selection of the automatic boiler is not easy. It is a huge difference among products. Some manufacturers offer e.g. automatic boilers without possibility of automatic ignition, without hopper or even they recommend only simple rebuilding of the old cast-iron boilers without any efficiency. Real automatic boiler should handle with dosing of fuel, ignition of fuel and regulating the requested output. The boiler should be equipped with intelligent control panel and communicate with room thermostat or mobile phone.
The automatic boiler should have possibility of burning of more types of fuel without necessity to set or even change some components of the boiler. Why we should buy automatic boiler, in which we can burn only expensive high quality wood pellets with price compared with heating by natural gas?
Automatic boilers VERNER can combust 60 types of fuel including wood pellets, agropellets of different origin, corn and at the moment also the cheapest fuel – brown coal. Of course there is automatic operation and intelligent regulation. Moreover there is an extended 5 year warranty for the boiler body.
Automatic boilers VERNER are on the market from year 2004 and they are verified by more than 5000 customers. Also thanks to this fact it is possible to personally visit some customers with automatic boilers before purchase of the boiler. You can see the boiler in real operation and hear the longtime experience of the owner.